Ensure the safety of your loved ones and yourself

Let Guardaround protect you and your family by alerting you about everything happening in your immediate vicinity.
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What is Guardaround for?

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Get Instant Alerts

Get updated whenever something important happens anywhere around you! Guardaround notifications can be very handy in helping you stay alert and aware wherever you are located.

Protects your loved ones

Convey important news to your loved ones quickly through the Guardaround app to keep them safe from all kindsof threats! Be a good neighbor and a great citizen.
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Ensures transparency

Guardaround can be an important resource even for the local police to help them catch up on any criminal activityin town. Secure your neighborhood with Guardaround alerts.

Download our Android or iOS Mobile Application to start exploring the features of Guardaround!

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Join us in making neighborhoods safer across the globe

We are helping people keep their houses and their families safe in their neighborhoods. Be a part of the movement, help your loved ones by giving them Guardaround to keep them safe.
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